Bow River Fishing

The Bow River that flows through Calgary from the Rocky Mountain glaciers is supposedly a world class trout fishery. I’ve been trying my hand at fishing this beautiful river. Here are my favourite spots to try and fish the Bow River in and around Calgary Alberta.

Site Spring Summer Fall Winter
Refinery Park Too shallow;
No fish here
Beaver Dam Flats
Graves Bridge Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Carburn Park Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Sue Higgins Park Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Ivor Strong Bridge Caught fish here!
Fish Creek
Mallard Point
Douglasdale Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Fish Creek
Too shallow;
No fish here
Fish Creek
Bow Valley Ranche
Saw someone catch fish Saw someone catch fish Too steep
Fish Creek
Hull’s Wood
Fish Creek
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Saw someone catch fish
Fish Creek
Rotary Park
Saw someone catch fish
Policeman’s Flats Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish
Mckinnon Flats
Legacy Island
Johnson Island Maybe;
Didn’t see anyone catch fish